Sample Menu for Meal Delivery

Day One

Breakfast: Morning Porridge with Spiced Apples

Lunch:  Green Soup

Dinner: Sweet Potato Coconut Soup

Snack: Sesame Cookies

Tea: Homemade Nut Milk

Day Two 

Breakfast: Rice Pudding with Dates & Berries

Lunch: Hearty Miso Soup

Dinner: Ginger Chicken Congee with Sautéed greens and Coconut Amino Acids

Snack: Energy Bites

Tea: Leilove Hormone Balancing milk

Day Three 

Breakfast: Morning Porridge with Pumpkin Seeds and Fresh Berries

Lunch: Kitchari

Dinner: Red lentil Coconut Soup with Greens

Snack:  Gluten Free Cardamom Muffins

Beverage: Lactation Golden Milk